Thursday, November 6, 2008

Do you hover over the toilet in public bathrooms?

How can this be applied to real life? Not in the question itself... I for one hate sitting on public toilet seats... It grosses me out to think about how many people have accidently tinkled on the seat... and innumerable other things...  
The point of the question though, is how many people hover over life like the toilet in a public bathroom? Are you afraid to touch things for fear of "getting your hands dirty?" Do you avoid breathing certain types of air, fearing cancer from it?
How many of us treat other people like the toilet bowl? Do you walk into a bathroom and judge a seat by how clean it may look? You won't sit on it if it looks dirty, but a seemingly clean toilet seat receives the most attention and yet you still sit on it. Do you do that with the man on the back of the bus who smells funny? you avoid him because he is dirty, but the man in a suit beside you is acceptable because he looks "clean." Is he any less dirty than the man in the back seat may be? do you know if the "dirty" man is really dirty? he may actually be cleaner than anyone you know, but is unfortunate and can't have a regular bath or meal... 
I guess the point is... how do you treat people? do you judge them by how they look or smell?? like the toilet seat... the cleanest seat is usually the most used.... 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WTF America??? WTF????

SO here we are... the most historic election in the U.S.... and now all we can do is toot the horn of a black man in office.... i see no problem with it.. color, race, gender.. none of it matters to me... i think it's great that  black man and a white woman both ran for president... but i want to know, how many people voted for Obama just because he is black? Did you actually sit down and listen to what he is going to try to do to our country?? I hate politics... but this man really is deciding the future of both ourselves and our children.... i know his term is only four years.. I probably won't even have kids by then... but who knows... still... at the end of the four years, there is a chance he could run again... I don't think we, as a country, are going to make it very far... I am not saying McCain was much better.. but he didn't want to do a lot of the radical things Obama wants to... it is so crazy... I don't even know what to say... I wish people would think.. not in terms of now, but in terms of the future... I for one want my future kid to have the right to carry a registered gun on him to hunt... or in his home for protection.... and not have to pay a million dollars for electricity... to be able to get a decent job and have his own family who lives happily... I don't know... this is crazy